Heavenly Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread

Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread

I don’t like to essentially copy another blogger’s posts, but this recipe was way too good to pass up.  It’s from the blog, Joy the Baker. You must check out her blog for fabulous and mouth watering ideas.

Ok so onto the good stuff: Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread.  To sum up this dessert, it’s a variation on cinnamon buns.  I know you might be surprised that I’m featuring this type of dessert seeing as I stress the health benefits of the recipes I blog.  I tend to always lean towards “healthy” meal options, even when making dessert.  But, every once and a while I crave some teeth-rotting, belly fattening, ooey-gooey goodness.  This recipe nails all of the above. You will have to prevent yourself from finishing the whole thing straight out of the oven. Make sure there are other people with you to help you eat it, or else I’m afraid you are risking gaining some weight here.

I followed Joy the Baker’s recipe step-by-step. I’ve never made bread before and I did not have any problems.  I should note that instead of whole milk I used 1% milk and next time I will use less sugar – you will notice it calls for A LOT and I’m sure it will taste equally as yummy with 1/4 cup less.

I’ve posted some of the photos from my process, but if you want to make this yourself I highly recommend going on over to Joy the Baker and following her excellent post.

Making the dough 

You'll require some patience with rolling out the dough. It does take some time (and muscle) to get it 20 in x 12 in

Evenly distribute butter

Spreading on the sugar mixture

Woah, that looks like a lot of sugar!

Cutting dough into strips using a pizza cutter

Cut again and stack

Pile of excess sugar that shook off while putting the stacks in the loaf pan

Ready in the pan, just has to rise for another hour or so and then time to bake!

Fresh out of the oven. After cooling for a bit, I anxiously put the bread on the closest plate I could find. I was desperate to give it a taste!

I was very pleased with the results, ooey gooey perfection!

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